Originally Posted by DaveOrion
Its not sick to have faith, believe in an afterlife, or a higher power; its a way to deal with life without the depressing "life is shit" attitude so often found in atheists. One persons delusion is another's saving grace.
Dave, check what I wrote. I did not say that having faith was "sick," nor believing in an afterlife, or anything else. What I found disturbing, was that the "meaning" behind a girl being accidentally run over by her teenage brother, could be seen as "God wanted her to get to heaven sooner," and leaving it at that.
The reality is that the brother played a part in a massive, stupid accident. Yes, it could have happened to anyone, but it was not an act of God; it was an act of a human being, unfortunately. Preventable or not, I don't see how believing that "God wanted her to get to heaven sooner" can really help anyone to feel better about the whole thing. Children are never, ever supposed to die, if you ask me. Not because of a deity calling them home, or for any other reason. If it happens, there is no meaning behind it. Life is more merciful that way, if you ask me. That there was no reason. It just happened.
See Peter DeVries' novel, "The Blood of the Lamb," for more of where I am coming from on this. It only confirms the steps I have taken away from my faith... if I were in this situation, it would be extraordinarily challenging, but by no means could I feel good about saying that a deity "wanted to take my child to heaven" sooner.