I saw quite a few reports of that tragic accident linked on my various news hompages (comcast and igoogle) though I didn't read any details. Having children of my own I hate to even think about it, but I'm sure loosing a child through any cause is a very hard thing to deal with. And that twist of fate that the accident involved his son driving the vehicle would just make my emotions even more mixed up. It's a very sad tragedy.
I'm not really religious at all so I'd pretty much be dealing with it as you described. It would be a very painful loss, but I'm confident that I'm resilient enough to deal with it and help my family deal with it, without it turning into a devastating catastrophic effect on us.
While I do think that people "of faith" might have the extra "help" of their faith in dealing with such a tragedy, to me it seems that there is such a wide range of what this faith/belief system means to people that I can't generalize if it makes them better equipped or not. It's just another tool to help you make sense of the world and what happens to us and the tool might be meaningful to some and not to others. To some the tool might be a crutch...I can see a lot of variations on that.