Originally Posted by Charlatan
There was a theatre in Scarborough called the Bijou, it was located in a strip mall where Morningside Mall is now located (or have they torn it down yet?).
On weekends they would play these very cool older films. I remember catching Sinbad there (loved the skeltons), Three Stooges meet Hercules, something with Laurel and Hardy and other older films. I was in grade one or two at the time.
Sinbad? I saw that one at the Towne Theatre in Huntsville, Texas. It also showed older Kinderkino.
You would probably know better than i wouild, but there must have been something about the economics of movie distribution and movie houses that allowed places like that pop up in the '70s. Student cinema societies were also part of that network of gazillionth-run theatres. This was well into the era of television, though a bit before VCRs became ubiquitous.