Originally Posted by teresita
I still say the best thing for this country is Hillary President, Obama as Vice. Open your eyes, she can get things done, he can guide us with his vision, they can both learn from each other, and together I think anything that is positive change is possible. And in 8 years, he can still be president. It does not get better than this, and it probably never will.
Exactly who can she get things done with? Her legislative record in the Senate isn't particularly noteworthy, either positively or negatively.
Besides, Obama as the nominee is pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point, barring something that drives the superdelegates away from him in droves. Not to mention the fact that the path from the Vice Presidency to the Presidency isn't exactly well paved. In modern times and barring those who gained office upon the death of the president (or resignation), only GHW Bush has managed to do so. You have to go back to Calvin Coolidge to find one. So maybe that's not as big a sop as you think.
Got your eyes open yet?