thanks for stepping up with the pic, SS.
I almost posted pics but I was torn between always liking to post interesting pics (well, intersting to me, anyway, and hopefully to some more of us here) and just being more verbal, so this time I let my left brain get the best of me and just went with the words...maybe I should wack the left side of my head a few times to make up for it. Anyway, now that I'm on a roll with these few words and, in any case, this is the "longest" thread, I'll add this little comparison of left/right brain characteristics:
logical random
sequential intuitive
rational holistic
analytical synthesizing
objective subjective
looks at parts looks at wholes
...and then just this weekend I read about a woman who had a stroke and found "A Superhighway to Bliss" as the story in the NY Times was titled. I quote them here, but without the quote marks: Jill Bolte Taylor was a neuroscientist working at Harvard’s brain research center when she experienced nirvana. Dr. Taylor says the right, creative lobe can be used to foster contentment. But she did it by having a stroke. On Dec. 10, 1996, Dr. Taylor, then 37, woke up in her apartment near Boston with a piercing pain behind her eye. A blood vessel in her brain had popped. Within minutes, her left lobe — the source of ego, analysis, judgment and context — began to fail her. Oddly, it felt great. The incessant chatter that normally filled her mind disappeared. Her everyday worries — about a brother with schizophrenia and her high-powered job — untethered themselves from her and slid away. Her perceptions changed, too. She could see that the atoms and molecules making up her body blended with the space around her; the whole world and the creatures in it were all part of the same magnificent field of shimmering energy. “My perception of physical boundaries was no longer limited to where my skin met air,” she has written in her memoir, “My Stroke of Insight,” which was just published by Viking. After experiencing intense pain, she said, her body disconnected from her mind. “I felt like a genie liberated from its bottle,” she wrote in her book. “The energy of my spirit seemed to flow like a great whale gliding through a sea of silent euphoria.” ...well, you get the idea. Here's a picture of her and she seems happy