So, I was just watching
and I decided that I was guilty of guilty pleasure. So why not share it? I honestly find this video fun to watch and the music has a fun beat to it that, combined with the old music, really makes me enjoy it.
It sort of reminds me of the
, which was equal in its technical awfulness, only it was candy-coated to a sickening extent. However, I just found it catchy... even though I hate Avril Lavigne.
Now, those are the sort of videos I could only admit to enjoying on an Internet forum (though the first in my favorites, ssh). Then we have a few that simply require loads of explanation, such as
I suppose it all has something to do with a subconscious affection for teen pop and glam make-up... or you might not have read any of that sentence....
Anyway, post your YouTube guilty pleasures, it is that kind of thread after all.