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Old 05-26-2008, 01:36 PM   #13 (permalink)
Confused Adult
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Location: Spokane, WA
You know, I always smirk at the men who take the holier than thou approach at men hitting women.

Women are people too, Women have equal rights, they have just as much right to pick a fight and deal with how they act amongst the manhood as men have the right to act like women.

*now that I have your attention*

No, I don't hit girls, but I leave the toilet seat up. shamelessly at that, Takes me the same effort to lift it up as it does for a woman to put it down.

I took 5 years in a relationship with a woman who had no problems hitting me because I was big and I could take it, she couldn't hurt me if she tried.

One day I was in a particularly bad mood and she just decided to dump her opinion on me about how my bad mood was the result of my own stupidity or some crap and then at one point just turned around and punched me in the stomach after I made the comment that she should probably stop talking if she wasn't going to contribute something positive to the conversation, which, in grumpinese comes across something like "if you're just going to sit there and bitch, just shutup until you have something meaningful to say"

anyways, my reaction to being gutsacked was to brush her off me (she was in my way) with my left arm and she lost her balance and dropped her bag and fell down on the lawn.

I felt pretty shitty for doing even that much, but the point is, had she been with someone less tolerant of her nagging bullshit, she would have had a fat lip and a black eye. She was being an intolerant bitch, and everyone knows i'm renowned for my patience with difficult people, at least, anyone who knows me IRL.

I don't have a holier than thou standard about it, some girls, despite being the weaker sex, deserve the violence they bring upon themselves. just like some jackass men also deserve the violence they bring upon themselves. Man or Woman, you run your mouth too much or start throwing punches, don't play the gender card if someone kicks your ass for it, especially after repeated warnings.

Last edited by Shauk; 05-26-2008 at 02:17 PM..
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