Originally Posted by thingstodo
Somehow I just don't think speed limits will do anything to reduce fuel consumption. If they did, enforcement of our current speed limits would be effective. In fact, there are many laws on teh books that aren't enforced with new laws coming every day on top of the ones not enforced. We are a nation of wanting to control other people yet we can't even use the controls we currently have effectively.
Couldn't agree more.
Another point also that some people haven't realized is that alot of r&d into enviro-green products (ie fuel efficient cars etc) is being funded by big oil. My concern is that with everyone going off the side of cliffs like herds of like buffalo regarding the green movement, without fully scrutinizing the end results, that the green movement could cohesively become a huge scam that does very little for the actually environment it is intended on saving.
As before, the social conditioning that all is green is good has been very successful in generating the masses to follow along. I am all for preserving the planet and doing my part, but am very concerned that the green movement will mirror exactly the power that big oil retains right now, and will become as corrupt all the while holding us ransom, like big oil, and have a control over us that that can't be broken, like big oil.