Originally Posted by Bear Cub
I remember when MTV actually played music.
I remember Oregon Trail being the pinnacle of gameplay.
I used to watch MTV videos all day long, and Oregon Trail was the shit.
I remember coming home from school at lunch and my mom would make me something while me and my brothers watched fraggle rock and Inspector Gadget
I remember getting mad at my brother at school and throwing my glass thermos at him (for soup) and smashing it and being afraid to tell my parents
I remember my dad driving us around in a full sized van with vinyl seats, the trim had cracks and it would pinch your legs when you wore shorts
I remember buying my first cassette tape: Bat out of hell 2. I bought it cause it looked cool
I remember my uncle giving me the Metallica ...and Justice for all CD, and thus my love for heavy music started
I remember the first time we got a VHS movie, they looked worse and were twice the size of beta, but they still somehow became more popular. We had no VHS player, and renting beta movies at Rogers became harder and harder every week as VHS took over.
I remember owning an Atari and a NES and being so jealous of my friends that eventually got the SNES when it came out.