I remember gasoline was well under $0.20/gal.
I used to go down to the corner store to get cigs for my mom and they were $0.24 a pack.
I remember being excited while listening to the Russian Sputnik being blasted into space with the little dog as passenger, but also disappointed it was not the U.S. being first; a couple days later we got a dog very similar to that one and named it Speedy Sputnik though we just called him Speedy.
I remember seeing JFK as he was slowly driven through our Philadelphia neighborhood when he was running for President. A couple years later, I remember sitting in freshman algebra class when they announced he was shot; then a little while later they announced that he has been assassinated.
I remember sneaking out of bed and part way down the stairs, then sitting near the top listening while my parents watched the Jack Paar show.
I remember watching Indy car races at Langhorne Speedway, it was a one mile dirt track and when you got back to your car after the races, it was completely covered with a layer of reddish dust.
I had a pair so I remember those shoes that had sort of a lever across the front where the tongue is and you would push it forward to loosen and snap back to tighten them....what the hell where they called?
I got my first PC in 1984, an NEC Powermate, quite powerful for it's day ...way before Windows was released so it was a DOS machine...damn I miss DOS. It had all of 640K RAM and a 40 Meg hard drive and a fast 2400 baud modem I used to surf the bulletin boards. That machine was completely turned on and ready to rock within seconds of turning it on.
I remember watching the diving horse at Steel Pier in Atlantic City, and the Ed Hurst Show there too, all us kids dancing and listening to top name acts, Supremes, Martha and the Vandellas, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, Al Hirt, Tijuana Brass, Beach Boys.