Originally Posted by ÐiGiRed
I remember watching The Simpson's back when it was only a bunch of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show.
I remember my aunt being super proud of herself one x-mas cause she fought tooth and nail to get me a cabbage patch doll.
I remember my favorite show as a kid being Pee-Wee's Playhouse.
I remember my pink jelly shoes rubbing blisters on my feet.
... and I remember waking up Saturday morning and watching He-man, Rainbow Brite, Jem, etc.
Ah, you're my age. Maybe just a hair younger (the Saturday morning cartons mark you as being my little brother's age, actually).
I remember
Tracey Ullman and
Married with Children and
21 Jump Street on that new Fox channel. I remember holing up in my grandparents' back bedroom and watching hours and hours of music videos on MTV. I remember when the VJ's bumps looked like they were made for $5 on a borrowed video camera.
I remember the Smurfs. Little hard rubber smurf figures that cost $5 at Hallmark. I had dozens of those little blue mothersmurfers.
Go-bots, for sure. Transformers were a bit later.
I remember writing BASIC programs on my Timex Sinclair 1000 (with the membrane keyboard! hooked up to the TV in the front room!). I wrote a program to calculate how old I would be in the year 2000, and then
mourning the fact that, at 26, I'd be too old to enjoy the future. I remember struggling to save and restore data from it on cassette tape.
I remember getting an Apple //c. The joy of bootlegged video games passed around on 5" floppy. I remember Lemonade Stand. I played enough that I found the perfect algorithm and became a Lemonade Stand tycoon. But there was no way to save your game--at the beginning it would ask if you were coming back from an earlier session, then ask how much money you had at the end of your last game,
and then say "Let's just start you with $100" if you said more than that. PISS me off.
I never played Oregon Trail, but nowadays I project back and revise history to insert it in there.