Originally Posted by Daniel_
Can I propose the reinstatement of Nonsense into "Latest Posts", or at least the allowance to customise the "New Posts"view to list whichever fora I want to see?
I 2nd this motion: I would like to remove a few forums that I have never and will never check. So being able to remove these at will would be perfect!! I 2nd this suggestion and bring it toward a vote. who's for the modification of "New post" option?!
Originally Posted by ironpham
I like the Trade Forum one.
And, I thought of a little revision for the NSFW one. Instead of having just the envelopes beside the thread that I have no idea what they mean, change the envelopes into different little messages telling us of it's contents (e.g. NSFW, about work, about games, popular topic, etc.).
you mean like fark!? politics, amuzing, dumbass, etc.. haha. sure. why not. but I don't see this making the full forum for long. too many people would skip using the feature. plus, most of these categories are already in their own forum. whereas the NSFW can be in all forums at any time.