hmmm let see...
I remember watching heehaw on saturday nites
I remember going outside to play on saturday mornings in the summer and only coming back inside for lunch and dinner
I remember lightning bugs, jars full of them lol
I too remember selling girl scout cookies for 1.50 a box
I remember when Disney World was a "ticket per ride" park
I remember filling up my car and buying a carton of smokes was 15 bucks
I remember sour cream and onion doritos (and I still morn they dont have them anymore)
I remember watching Laugh In
I remember when cable tv was something that only showed 2 movies a night, the same movies for an entire month and the cable box could be locked with a key
I remember when the tv channel TBS came along and watching Dark Shadows when they replayed it
I remember spending hours at a friends house playing pong and hating my parents because they wouldnt get it
I remember getting our very first Atari and rubbing blisters between my thumb and first finger from the joystick playing pac man and pitfall
I remember the day MTV debuted
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!