Will, I should say, I have assumed your age, (from the posts I've read) and I think that you are way too wise for your age. As for the bible, Qoran, Torah, etc etc, I think they are all right in trying to tell us how to live life, righteously and consciously, just they tried a bit too hard and went way too far to institutionalize us by telling us how to dress, what to feel, where to do this and that!!!
The holy books were written in a time where government was comprised of the religion, so not very accurate, in order to fuel politics and fulfill agendas. As to the OP, as I try to keep this thread in track, is it a) what are the moral ramifications of letting your son indulge in this activity, or b) what will be the outcome??
if a) then that can only be determined by your religion. Your faiths and beliefs can answer that question in absolute. I'm not saying they will be right or wrong though, I'm just saying they will play a large role in how you raise the child.
if b) That can only be determined in how well you instilled a sense of self and confidence. If they can't learn from any experience, then clearly you have a lot more work to do.