Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
She has written the book in Word. She's a consultant and will self publish. So she is both the writer as well as the publisher. I've emailed her to ask if she has found a company to print the book. I'm sure they would have a format that would be preferred and asked her to find out.
A mutual friend suggested to her that I might know something about this. At least I know where to go for the answers. 
Most publishing companies will allow you to print and send them a "photo-ready" copy of your book for editing and then publishing. We did ours in MS Word; if she has graphics or something else, they may recommend a program to her.
The company will also send her guidelines for preparing her photo-ready copy of the book. They are VERY specific, including page setup dimensions, font faces, sizes, spacing, whether to bold figure/table titles, where to place those titles, how to format text boxes, how to format equations, etc. etc. As soon as she decides on a company, she should ask for those guidelines.
Hmm, I'm working for consultants.. wonder if I could convince them to publish a book.

A software consultant at the barn, and program management consultants at work.