Great shots! It looks like you're well on your way with your new DSLR.
The photography forums, allaboutmusic mentioned dpreview, it's a great site and they have a deep forum section. Another one that I've found to be useful is, again the depth on the forums is good.
I don't know of any Sony DSLR specific forums, but my guess is that they're out there.
The other side of the coin is where do you share/store/backup your pictures at (besides your hd)?
The ones off the top of my head would be Flickr, Zoomr, PBase, & Picasa web albums to name just a few. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is nice to have all of your pictures in two separate places. With your pictures on the web it's much easier to share with friends & family.
"A man's only as old as the woman he feels"
-Groucho Marx
Last edited by labob; 05-22-2008 at 03:21 AM..