Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
I see the value of this thread to be to remind people to be responsible for young children, and for drivers to drive with caution.
I will usually drive in the center of the road in neighborhoods (unless a car is coming), specifically so I have time to see and react to little kids popping out from behind parked cars. The driver could possibly have avoided the situation, but if he was driving the speed limit and the kid came out from behind a bush/car/etc, I can't see that he is at fault.
Well...perhaps. But as far as this thread is concerned, it seems that it is preaching to the choir. More accurately, I think, the value of this thread is to lord over the deficiencies of another person for whatever little solace it brings. If that works for some, then fine, but I can't play a part in it rather than absorbing the fact that real people are dealing with this very real, non-hypothetical situation as I type...can't do it. It makes me nauseous.
So I'll just bow out now and leave ya'll to it.