Originally Posted by canuckguy
I'll bite, how?
As for the OP, i am not sure how i would handle this situation. Depends on what the kid wants to wear i guess. A pink shirt from his sisters closet, no probs....her 1 piece bathing suit? mmmm not so sure.
actually, there's something like 75% of straight men have tried on women's clothing at one point in their lives. It often stems from a subconscious belief in a woman's superior sexuality and the raw power of their sexuality. Then there's also the guy who's just curious as to what it feels like..and the guy who feels trapped in a man's body..etc.
anyway, back to the OP, I'd say it depends on the kid. If a kid is already having major social issues, it may be better to focus on those issues first before he starts donning mini skirts and halter tops.