Ustwo, what does all of your rambling about discipline and structure have to do with letting a kid choose to wear a dress? It's not like if you let him wear a dress, that everything else necessarily must go to shit. The parents of the boy I mentioned earlier are both quite regimented in the way they raise their son (school, bed on time, homework, etc), but that has very little to do with what kind of clothes they decide to let the boy wear. (Not that you are going to give an inch in this debate, or any, but oh well.)
Originally Posted by willravel
Just out of curiosity, what field do you work in?
Nice try, but he probably won't answer... I've tried to figure it out, too, but he keeps mum!

All I can say is, as far as I've seen on this board, Sapiens is never wrong (or very rarely). The man knows his social science and statistics.