Originally posted by door
If I gave you 100 people and asked you to search the entire state of california for a lab or box the size of an apartment, probobly deep underground, that I had 5 years to hide, how long would it take you to find?
and if it was all about oil, how come we're still paying for it? How come the UK and the US isn't just taking it and shipping it home? How come we arn't dictating price?
It is pathetic.
Your first point is the same one the other side was saying in support of further inspections. What changed between now and then? And why won't the administration allow the UN inspectors to return?
You do realize how much the cost of gasoline has decreased since before we went to war, right? Part of that was a result of the "shortness" of the war--OPEC has more crude than the market requires. Now they also have to reintegrate Iraq production into their quota--effectively altering the structure of the cartel's price controls.