Originally Posted by UKking
One year olds don't run very fast.
Also your typical Sugarland residential street has a speed limit of 15-25 mph, depending on association rules.
A guy should be aware of children playing at the curb. No matter their height, they should be visible unless they appear instantly in the middle of the street from some kind of cover.
You live in a neighborhood, you should maintain awareness for children.
If the parent was negligent, it is a separate issue...
You should always maintain an awareness of kids. On the road, you should always maintain an awareness of motorcycles....but shit happens.
The father of this boy was an idiot. He wasn't watching that kid, because from "two or three houses down", he wouldn't have been able to see him and even if he could, he wouldn't have been able to stop him from doing anything.
Don't think one year olds are fast? Take one to a department store, put him down and turn your back, count to five and turn around....