Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I don't know about "greatest" but the scene that comes to mind for me this morning is from and Lee Marvin movie "The Big Red One." WWII movie about the 1st infantry division. There's a scene where they're trying to quietly take out a German intelligence unit hidden in a insane asylum. Members of the unit sneak up on the outer guards and take them out with knives and bare hands. Once in the building they continue this tactic until the Germans catch on. A fire fight breaks out and bullets begin to fly. The patients calmly continue to eat as if nothing is amiss. A soldier drops his machine after being shot. One of the patients notices it sitting on the floor. He stops eating and crawls under the table. He picks it up, jumps on top of the table and yell's "I'm sane! I'm finally sane! I'm just like you, I'm sane!" As he laughs and empties the gun of all it's bullets he ends up killing several other patients. Yes, he's just like everyone else. He's sane.
Great movie! I saw this in the theatre when it came out