Get ready for my longest winded report, or facsimile thereof. So far it's a pretty good Tuesday for me, thank you. I don't have a dog now to sing to or with, but the idea of getting one is fermenting in the back of my mind. I got a phone call from my lovely daughter yesterday, she's been living very happily in Olympia WA for the last couple years; she just got a motorcycle and asked me to ship her my old helmet, I'm sure she'll customize it with her unique artistic talents. Being I'm an impressionable guy, this morning I immediately registered on Ducati's website and am trying to decide on which of their nice bikes best suits me...though apparently it's difficult to lug a surfboard around on a motorcycle...sidecar maybe? Now I have to give serious thought to my lunch plans. ...I just interupted my typing since the guy in the next office just came in and dropped an issue of "Draft" magazine on my desk in draft beer. So now we must visit one of the local pubs to taste their current varieties of drafts from around the world. Life is fun.