1) We met the first day of freshman orientation, and were dating by the end of orientation week. (Senior year we were voted "Most Nauseating Couple".) So that was late August. The first time she gave me a blowjob was Halloween night, and that's as close as I can come to putting a date on our sexual firsts. The first time we had intercourse was probably a month or two after that. She was a virgin, so we weren't rushing anything, and we put her on the pill and waited a month for it to work...
2) We met at a New Years party 2005/2006. She moved in just after the NEXT new year, Jan 5 2007. We fooled around before and after that, but our first SEX sex was like 6 weeks after she moved in, after her separation was official. Damn near killed us both to wait that long, but it was the right thing to do.
Last edited by ratbastid; 05-20-2008 at 06:13 AM..