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Old 05-18-2008, 07:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Same question, different wording - do you support a third term of G.W. Bush? I am a registered Independent in the great state of Florida; considered changing to a party affiliation, until I found out the vote would not count. Personally, I was hoping for Dennis Kuchinich or John Edwards, but the media made sure not to give either any air time.
To the point of your question - It is easier for me to to support Obama. He seems like someone who can keep his cool under pressure, as opposed to someone who has a record of being a hothead. An appeaser? Like Nixon was to China; or Reagan to Russia?
Obama does not support the possibility of 100 years of war in Iraq. Maybe because he does not have the interests of oil and Haliburtin to consider. G. W. Bush promised to "reign in" the oil companies. How did that work out? Eight years ago, oil was $20/gal; today it's over $126?gal. To paraphase G.W. from New Orleans - "Good job, Georgie!" Oh wait - George is an oil man; Cheney is on the board of Haliburton. So I guess George did do a good job.
Obama does not want PAC contributions, so maybe he does care about the "little guy". He stays away from "nasty" ads, which I'm tired of. He can win it clean. We have just seen in last Tuesday's elections that maybe those types of ads no longer work.
What really seems ignorant to me is that someone would not vote for Obama based on his race (or half-race). Isn't it time to get over it? I served 12 years in the military - you only see light green or dark green. Either way, you support them and they support you - I got you, you got me. It all comes down to trust.
So the bottom line to me is this - there is no way I trust McCain.
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