One of the interesting issues that has not been widely reported is that, in the most recent Republican primaries, 15-25% voted against McCain.
Wash Post column today....
McCain's Chances May Have Hit a New Nader
Great quote at the end:
Bob Barr won't be president, but he could still gore McCain.
While many Huckabee supporters will probably come around to McCain....I think its highly unlikely that many Paul supporters will....particularly with the entrance of Bob Barr as a viable Libertarian alternative.
Nationally, Paul voters represent 5 percent of Republican primary voters...If McCain cant hold these, even more "red" battleground states will be in play than 2004. Its hard to imagine any scenario where these anti-war, anti-Patriot Act die hards buy into the McCain message that Iraq can be won if we stay until 2013 or that wiretapping American citizens is an essential national security tool...either they vote for Barr or they stay home and sit it out.