Originally Posted by Ustwo
I think it was ELF, can't trust those bastards.
I must say I am really enjoying the new tone in politics, its refreshing.
I don't understand why the ELF is the number one domestic terrorist group watched by the FBI. I guess we don't have a problem at all if they are the problem...
As for why I question this is because it seemed like the White House knew who was behind this almost immediately and they never considered any alternatives. Maybe they have intel that they didn't release, but so far what I've seem is semi-convincing, but also exactly what they wanted to occur.
Clinton was reducing our military size, there was debate about if we could fight a two front war even. Well, now we can use our military-industrial system and keep money flowing into the pockets of a select group of people.
I don't know, I guess I would have liked to have seen the media do it's own investigation into what happened, kind of like a 9/11 Report written by people who want the truth. And not the current media which takes something someone says and replays it over and over until it becomes the truth.