Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
The bolding is mine, as I wanted to emphasize that yes, we eat eggs, but when we purchase our eggs we usually get them from one of two sources--the farmer's market or the co-op--and they are typically vegetarian-fed free-range. We love eggs from the farmer's market--there's nothing quite like a farm-fresh egg.
You might want to look into your source if you wish to know for sure what you're getting. Apparently "free range" and "free run" has no legal definition in the U.S. Some farms will apply that label simply because the shed has a window, or maybe the cages are a few inches larger than average. There is no standard. Look for a farm that markets their eggs by offering information about how their hens truly to get to roam around in the way you envision. I've seen some farms at markets offer photos and histories of their operations to show you what they're about. Especially since the issue is becoming more widely known, some farms have positioned themselves as the true alternative.
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EDIT: And I've always found it a bit funny to hear the "fish aren't animals" and "fish don't have any feelings" statements.
Fish have muscles (ie. meat...flesh....) and they have nerves, which means they can feel pain. How is this different from cows, chickens, pigs, etc.?