About $10 billion of the increase from the previous bill to this one is going to food stamps/child nutrition. The rest of the increase is going to end up in the hand of rich farmers. Yes, you can argue food stamps/child nutrition is getting a bigger portion of the increase, in percentage terms, but that is not at the expense of what is going to wealthy farmers.
Also please consider the fact that the money going to food stamps/child nutrition ends up going back to farmers in the form of higher prices. So, we end up with everyone paying higher prices including the poor, and you have the middle class and non-farmers subsidizing the handful of farmers getting the biggest benefit from the farm bill.
This bill is not good for America, it is good for wealthy farmers and politicians. Its a shell game, it is time for people to wise up.
All told, $10.3 billion would be added to nutrition programs over 10 years, including $7.9 billion for food stamps. With food prices forecast to rise by 4.5 percent this year, lawmakers said the farm bill would bring a sweeping expansion of food programs.
So, the poor will benefit to the tune of about $1 billion per year off-set by inflation. I don't have an issue with a safety net for people, I just have a problem with shell games played by dishonest politicians. I guess another possibility is that they have not really thought the issue through, I am not sure what is worse.