Originally Posted by RetroGunslinger
....Also, to host or Will, doesn't matter really, do you think that the Bin Laden tape was taken and emphasized by the U.S. government, as sort of a selection of the "hundreds" of different claims of responsibility.
I don't think that is relevant in this discussion, because government officials claimed to have enough evidence to convince us of the culpability of bin Laden and al Qaeda, in an imminent white paper presentaion, according to Powell and government sources speaking to the NY Times, as early as on 9/23.2001.
I think it is reasonable to be asking now....after they've had plenty of time to separate classified items and methods, for them to disclose the evidence....
Cynthetiq, I moved to an apartment on Chambers St., across the street from Rockefeller riverfront park, 2 months after 9/11. I've posted pictures of "the hole" that I took from the roof of that building. I understand your emotion, like no one who hasn't lived in that neighborhood. While living there, I went to Georgia for a week, and when I came back, coming out of the Chambers St. subway station and walking home in the dark, past the cop on station 24/7 who monitored the loads of debris leaving "the hole", headed for the pier half a block away, I was struck by a feeling that I lived in a different country than the people in Georgia, and in the rest of the country. I lived in a war zone, and they didn't.....
I don't think the thread is about that. It's about where we are now....our national effort....and why. The press, as can be seen in pieces that I posted in the OP, clamored to know....but time has erased that initiative.
Should time erase all initiative, even without a promised presentation of the evidence of culpability? Isn't it important, if nothing else, because of the vast sums our government has and is still spending, in response to accusing bin Laden and al Qaeda of attacking us on 9/11?