Mix one cup hot water with thre tablespoons lemon oil in a spray bottle. Spray, let sit, wipe, repeat. If there's a lot on it, scrape it off first with one of the tabs they use to close bags of bread; those things are all-purpose scrapers.
Other ways:
WD-40, wipe off, use soap to remove any oily film
Bleach and water on a cloth
Baking soda and a damp sponge.
From the Utah State University website:
"To get crayons off painted walls, scrape off as much of the crayon as possible with a spatula wrapped with a cloth towel. If you have a high gloss paint, rubbing may dull the painted area. Dab at the marks with a soft cloth dipped in a dry cleaning solvent. It may be necessary to repeat this treatment several times. If this does not work, make a paste of automatic dish washer soap, apply, and rub gently. If you have crayons on wall paper, gently roll a knead eraser (sold at art-supply stores) over the crayon marks. If the stain remains, crush some white chalk and mix it with dry-cleaning solvent. Lightly sponge the paste against the crayon marks, but do not rub. When it is dry, brush off the excess with a tissue. If this does not work, gently rub with a paste of automatic dish washing soap. With a damp cloth, wipe cleaning chemicals off the wall."
Last edited by MSD; 06-05-2003 at 01:27 PM..