I think the back and forth is easily solved.
Some people, like Will and I (i'm assuming), believe there is more risk in arming ourselves to the teeth, or over preparing, then there is in having nothing at all to "defend" ourselves with.
Others believe that because it is possible, it can be prevented. In this case, preventing is owning a firearm, or safe guarding your homes.
Where I come from I have never been assaulted, looked at badly, mugged, sexually offended, or spit on. The worse thing that happened to me is someone cut me off, I flipped them the finger, and they followed me home to tell me I was rude. Last year there were a few isolated cases where there were a gang of three or four boys who were beating the shit out of assumed gay men and straight women. This happened four times. I saw this as what it was, an isolated incident, one that has never happened in Fredericton, and probably never will again. Others saw it as a reason to never leave their homes after dark, to have five people with you when walking down Queen, and to take pepper spray with you.
I was never attacked. Someone I knew was arrested for attacking a harmless homeless man thinking he was one of the "downtown attackers".
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.