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Old 05-14-2008, 11:26 PM   #28 (permalink)
mandy's Avatar
Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Hey Guys...check This Out

This a chat conversation i had with Azim this morning when i got to work at about half past 7 until round about 9 ... waddya guys think? Its quite long, so...

Originally Posted by Chat with Azim
7:39 AM me: hey scammy scammer
7:40 AM murphy: mandy what s wrong with you
me: oh you have no idea who you are dealing with !!!
7:41 AM murphy: what is your problem please?
me: hahahahahahahahaha
did you think that i wouldnt figure you out?
murphy: it up to u
me: lol
7:42 AM you're stupid if you did
do you know of a lovely website called fraud watchers?
murphy: no
me: well, you should
cos your name is all over it
murphy: did u pay any money to any body?
7:43 AM me: luckily no
fortunately for you i didnt
murphy: so what make me fraud?
me: the fact that you were going to ask me to pay you money
7:44 AM murphy: did any body requested money from you mandy?
me: you were going to ask me to pay money
7:45 AM and you did it to so many south africans already
but not this one
murphy: what?
are you out of your mind?
me: LOL
7:46 AM no, i think you are if you think you're going to get any of this right ever again
do you think that i'm not going to warn everyone about you?
7:47 AM oh mr. you are very much mistaken
murphy: thanks
7:48 AM me: so tell me, how many people have you scammed yet?
or rather how much money have you made from people in SA?
7:49 AM i have to say that we here in SA love to believe the good in people
so, we are quick believers of anything that anyone feeds us really
you must have made a fortune
7:50 AM murphy: thanks
me: thanks?
you not gonn atell me anything?
c'mon...i promise it'll be between me and you
7:51 AM murphy: what do you want?
me: i wont tell anyone i promise...maybe i could help you?
you know...gain innocents
i'm looking to make an extra buck anyways
7:52 AM murphy: we offer you a job
where did you get all this from mandy?
7:53 AM me: maybe i can help you get people to sign your ask them to pay the money...and i'll make sure i get the ones who really really believe that you are genuine...
and they pay the money, and we go 50/50
murphy: Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
me: i think that sounds like a good plan dont you?
7:54 AM i could do it in the morning from work?
murphy: is like you are a smart girl mandy?
me: we have a deal?
7:55 AM i'll be like your recruiter
you just have to tell me what to do.
murphy: are you single?
7:56 AM me: nope
i have a fiancé
we getting married and i need some extra cash you know?
7:57 AM murphy: so where do you work in SA?
me: yep
7:58 AM why did you quote my signature earlier?
murphy: where?
8:00 AM me: Port Elizabeth
you looking to get people in PE?
murphy: what is the nature of your job?
8:01 AM me: i sit in front of a computer the whole day
murphy: doing what?
8:02 AM me: working
murphy: ok
you can call me letter
me: i cant make international calls
murphy: how old are u?
me: how old do you want me to be?
8:03 AM murphy: i want to know
how old are you?
me: howcome?
what does it matter how old i am
8:04 AM i want to work for you
murphy: know i just to know
me: early 20's
murphy: i saw your pic
me: i know
then how old do you think i am?
8:05 AM murphy: remember you have filled company form
me: i know
whats your point?
murphy: you see
you lia
to me
me: howso?
murphy: and you want to work
with me
8:06 AM me: ofcourse
murphy: then why did you lia?
me: how did i lie?
when did i lie to you?
8:07 AM murphy: how old are u?
me: earlr 20's i told you that before
i'm not lying
8:08 AM murphy: early 20s want to get marriage?
me: yes
8:09 AM murphy: mandy you have to come over to malaysia
if you really want to make money
me: howso?
8:10 AM murphy: so where are they people that you want to bring?
how many people?
8:11 AM me: how many people do you want?
i can get quite a few
murphy: as much as you can
me: whats your target?
8:12 AM murphy: what do you mind by that?
me: the amount of money that you want to make?
murphy: i'm a very busy person
me: do you have a certain amount of money that you want to make by the end of the moth?
murphy: i want to offer them job
8:13 AM why?
me: look, i'm very busy too and you and i both know that you are not a recruiter for Murphy Sarawak Oil Co Ltd
8:14 AM so lets just cut to the chase and let me in on the big bucks
i want to work for you
8:15 AM murphy: Mandy any body that you bring
me: i want to recruit people for you so i can make extra money
murphy: you let me know
me: then what?
murphy: what do you mean
me: what are you going to give me in return?
8:16 AM murphy: ok
let see
when you have anybody
8:17 AM you can inform me
me: i have two already
what should i do?
8:18 AM murphy: tell them to apply
me: then what?
i want something up front?
8:19 AM murphy: you are a smart girl then
me: what are you prepared to give me?
8:20 AM murphy: you have 2 people
then you will see every thing your self
me: what do you mean?
i can get more people
8:21 AM murphy: if you work hard
you make more money
nice chatting with you
me: wait
murphy: take care
me: you didnt tell me how?
8:22 AM and you didnt give me my something upfront?
murphy: if your serious to work with me
you can call me
me: i cant make international calls
why not you call me?
murphy: no
8:23 AM i want to know how serious you are
me: i am
i really am
murphy: we dont give any thing up front
me: i just dont have the means to call you
murphy: you have to try
you are work
8:24 AM me: but they dont allow internationa calls from the work phone
murphy: spend money to make money
take care
me: wait
murphy: what
me: whats your number?
i'll try and give you a call around lunch time
8:25 AM murphy: +0169642895
me: but tell me what i need to do ?
murphy: about what
8:26 AM me: besides call you to show that i'm serious
murphy: you have to call me first
me: you need to tell me how serious you are
murphy: me
me: yes
you need to give me something back
murphy: i dont have time for this
8:27 AM me: well, you have to make time, cos i could make you alot of money here
murphy: you have to work hard mandy
me: i need to know a target
how much money do you expect to make off South Africans?
murphy: what target
me: how much money do you want to make?
murphy: what do you mean by that?
8:28 AM me: i mean, compared to last year or last month even
how much moeny did you make last month?
murphy: you are talking like a kid mandy
me: no i'm not
8:29 AM murphy: you want to work
or you want know me
me: i want to know, because i need to know how much money i need to make to show you that i'm serious
i could do both
i need to know you to beable to work with you
8:30 AM murphy: let us close this charpter
take care
me: waht
murphy: you are not serious
me: no
dont go
murphy: bye
8:31 AM me: ofcourse i'm serious
why do you not see that?
why do you not see that i'm srious
what makes you think that i'm not serious
8:32 AM murphy: plaese call me
we can discuss
me: whta?
what can we discuss?
murphy: take care
me: no
dont go
8:33 AM murphy: i dont work with people like u
me: like what?
murphy: you ask so many question
me: hahahaha
thats cos i have an inqiring mind
murphy: i dont have time
me: please make time
i'm really interested
8:34 AM please
murphy: tell you people you have to apply
me: ok, then what?
murphy: when the apply
me: do i give them the form i got?
murphy: you tell me thier names
8:35 AM me: ok
murphy: no
me: ok, so how do they apply?
murphy: give them this email
8:36 AM me: and i tell them that they should apply for that job there
murphy: you have every thing
8:37 AM me: then after they apply i tell you their names
what happens after that?
murphy: yes
me: how long after they've applied do i get my cut?
murphy: just show them that page with you
me: ok
8:38 AM murphy: i thing they are your candidate
they will update you
me: then what?
murphy: mandy
8:39 AM tell them just to apply first
me: then how long after they've applied do i get my money?
murphy: that they are interesting to work with murphy oil company
me: ok
8:40 AM murphy: bye
me: wait
please dont go
murphy: what
me: tell me more?
how does it work after that?
murphy: people are waiting to see me
me: i'm just as important
8:41 AM please
murphy: then you will get to know it
me: i really need the extra cash
how long do i wait before you send me my first pay cheque?
murphy: you need to work hard
me: how many people do you want
8:42 AM why you laugh?
did i say something funny?
murphy: you are funny
money moneymoney
me: what did i say?
murphy: you have to work first
me: is that not what its all about?
8:43 AM so if i get people to apply, you going to send me my first paychque?
8:45 AM why you so quiet now?
murphy: many people you bring have to work with us first
8:46 AM when they are serious about it
then you get your money
me: so tell me something...
murphy: you have to convince them
me: then where does my money come from?
8:47 AM murphy: dont worry
me: does it come from the money you get from them, or does it come from you?
murphy: i want people that will to work
with murphy oil company
me: i have such people
8:48 AM murphy: so get them ready
me: but do i get paid from their money that you get from them?
murphy: mandy dont worry about
8:49 AM that
me: i have to
murphy: you are looking for mney
me: i cant work for someone and dont know how i'm getting paid?
murphy: important thing is you to get your money
me: HOW?
from who and when?
8:50 AM murphy: you will see then
i can not cheat you
since you are working for me
8:51 AM me: how do i kno wthat?
murphy: you will surprise
how you will make your money
then you can to malaysia
with your husband
8:53 AM me: that would be nice
8:54 AM ok, so lets just get this straight now...and you only hav eto answer yes or no, ok?
so i get people to apply for that job to that email address that you gave me...
murphy: yes
8:55 AM me: then i give you their names
murphy: yes
me: then i show them the page that you sent to me
the one with all the benefits
8:56 AM murphy: no
8:57 AM that murphy company are looking for staff
me: oh ok
8:58 AM murphy: the first page
me: then after that they send you their passports and you tell them they must pay you for their visa and their plane ticket an you will reimburse them when they get to malaysia
murphy: that you need to fill employment for and interv
8:59 AM form
you work is to tell them to apply
me: then you get the money from them?
9:01 AM you get the money from them?
9:02 AM how do you get it?
The Imagination equips us to see a reality we have yet to create
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