Edwards may have made $millions representing consumers in product liability and medical malpractice cases....
Major Cases Litigated by John Edwards
...but that what a good advocate does and his clients were well served.
He wont be Obama's Attorney General, but he might be on the short list for HHS (or HUD) Secretary.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
So a shyster who represents everything thats wrong with tort law in America and who's pursuit of personal wealth has led to uncounted unnecessary C-sections, directly harming and even killing women as well as increased medical costs across the country endorces Obama.
The Reasons Why Critiques of His Medical Malpractice Litigation Record Are Wrong
I might be with Ustwo to some degree that we still need reasonable tort reform (we probably differ on what is reasonable).
And Obama did break with the Dems (and the trial lawyers) and voted for the Repub sponsored
Class Action Fairness Act of 2005