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Old 05-14-2008, 06:31 PM   #111 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
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Location: Wilson, NC
Originally Posted by n0nsensical
Why should God be responsible for stopping the evils of humanity either? Who are we to question the motivations of God? Maybe God specifically gave us the power to do good or evil as we will. If he's out there, he could be trying to send us a message. And if he's not, we simply have no one else to blame.
Please see my earlier post:

I'm fully aware that not all religions consider their god to follow the rules I quoted, and I'm also aware that some religions don't even have a deity, but it is undeniable that a large percentage of religions believe their central deity/god follows the rules that I quoted - so can someone that believes in that type of god @ TFP please explain why their god/God chooses to mass murder 250,000 innocent people? And please explain it without the "it is a higher understanding that we cannot comprehend" or "it was meant to be" or "He has a plan" arguments.

Please explain why God doesn't stop:

A) Natural disasters
B) Evils of humanity and
C) Striking down those who worship him

without using the "because He has a plan that we don't understand/He is sending us a message that we don't comprehend right now/it was meant to be" explanation. I don't buy it, and to answer the OP, this right here is a good, solid, bonafide reason as to why some of us don't believe in God.

Can those who believe in God truly affirm that not only does God willingly allow for those He created to withstand utter evil and torture on this planet, He also allowed for thousands of other religions to be created, just so they can "compete" with His?

Yes, I'm sure God was like "boy, let's let all of these folks create all of these types of religions, some of which contain the same God but in a different context, so they can argue with each other and try to prove each other wrong and have suicide bombs and terrorize each other"

Again, it just doesn't add up. Why doesn't God send down Jesus again to confirm that His religion is the true faith? Solve centuries of conflict in one, fell swoop. "Hey guys, I'm Jesus, I'm God's Son. Worship God, because he is real. You will go to Heaven. Cya."

Done! Game over.

I'm guessing the explanation for that will again be "why should God have to do that" or "who is to say what God should and shouldn't have to do" and so on

I'm starting to ramble, so I'll cut to the point: the reason it's easy for some folks to not believe in a god/God is because there is just as much evidence AGAINST His reality as there is for. And they are primarily:
  1. Evil exists, and God doesn't care to fix it right now - He will even allow for those that worship Him their entire lives to be destroyed
  2. There are thousands of religions on Earth right now, and everybody thinks they are right - just as much as the next. How come just ONE of the deities in these religions won't set the record straight?
  3. There's no tangible proof that any sort of deity exists
  4. We've proven evolution exists, but the Bible contradicts it. Oops?
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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