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Old 05-14-2008, 11:47 AM   #100 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by filtherton
There is a resemblance between difference sects of Christianity, which is to be expected, given that that Christians believe in Christ and reference the bible, beyond that, saying they're the same is ridiculous. That's like saying all economists are the same because they all talk about numbers and have all read Adam Smith. Maybe it's the same as far as you're concerned, but the fact that you can't be bothered to see distinctions doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Yes some have minor differences, but saying they're not the same is ridiculous. I do see the tiny and insignificant differences, but they're academic. In practice they're basically identical. That's the bottom line.
Originally Posted by filtherton
There is something you're not getting here and it has to do not with the definition of power, but the way in which power is used. I can go outside and punch the first person I see. The fact that I don't says more about how I view the appropriate uses of my power than it does about the actual characteristics of my power. The definition of omnipotence is irrelevant to anything I'm saying. I've never disputed the fact that theists tend to believe in omnipotent gods.
"All powerful" doesn't speak to use, but rather speaks to ability. Omnipotent speaks to ability, malevolent speaks to use. Like omniscient speaks to ability, and voyeurism speaks to use.
Originally Posted by filtherton
Yeah, or they don't share your definition of evil, or your opinion that existence should be void of it...
I'm using "evil" based on religious axioms. Where do you suppose god falls in the parable of the good Samaritan?
Originally Posted by filtherton
You demonstrated something that I never disagreed with. My main qualm with Epicurus is that he presumes that there exists an objective definition of evil as it relates to the human experience. That's something that's very difficult to do; there are many different meaningful ways of defining evil. Perhaps you could hunt down a quote from a religious text where a god claims that the elimination of evil from the human experience is its goal.
He's doing the same thing I did above: he's utilizing axioms presented in religion to frame a logical statement. I'll translate by removing the axiom:
Is God willing to prevent that which is destructive and hurtful to people (including his followers), but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent or apathetic.
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