Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
At this time a third party is not viable. I was a card carrying Libertarian for 9 years before I had to accept the fact that the only elections that Libertarians were going to carry were municipal and county. And even that usually came from the eeny meeny miny moe vote. The party now resembles a coffee klatch more than a political party. The leadership just is not there. They are simply to disorganized at just about everything except for fundraising.
What if Ron Paul, who has garnered maddeningly religious support, had run Libertarian? He's gotten over 1m votes in the primary already. That doesn't include Democrats who would likely vote for him if Hillary ran. I may not agree with Dr. Paul, but I'm well aware that he's quite charismatic and is the very model of libertarian leadership.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
The same could be said of Bush.
Hallelujah and amen.