Originally Posted by willravel
Because he's a libertarian? All things being equal, Al Gore should have run Green, too. They're just reinforcing the idea that a third party is not viable, which is ultimately damaging to the country.
Paul should have stopped running months ago, but he's still going. Even though it's impossible to win (short of McCain being assassinated), he's still campaigning. If he's campaigning when it's impossible now, why would he stop when the convention names McCain as their candidate? He may not be making reasonable decisions, but he's consistent.
A third pary is not viable option and you know it. They stacked the deck against third parties by making it more difficult for them to get balloted.
Why should he of stopped? He still had money rolling in and a chance to shift the Republican party back to the right by humiliating mccain.
Plus he is continually informing more and more people about the fraudulent federal reserve system and failed foreign policy. His book hit #1 on amazon and now the NYTimes #1 best seller. It's about spreading the ideas Will, not about the nomination anymore.