I was Angry at Tech for posting this before me, then I was angry at Kirstang for the hurtfull words he said, but I now have to cry myself to sleep after the painful comments of tfpfreak!!!
Why in heavens name wouldn't you worship this vehicle. I want nothing else but to own it!! Not only am I a huge fan of the 1965 model of the Mustang, but this car really screams lovely. I don't think I would change anything!!!
For those of you who don't like the headlights, curious what do you think of the headlights of the new Mazda 3??
What's this I hear about handling?? I've never quite driven a mustang before, I've just idealized it until all other cars became ugly to me!! I drive a very fuel efficient Chevrolet Malibu, nothing good about it, except the gas!!