We usually have music playing because before my boyfriend lived at his dad's. His room had no real door and it was in a warehouse, so the walls didn't reach the ceiling.
He would usually put his itunes on random and for a while that worked....
Until a really strange song came on.
Fucking an animal - Gwar.
No, this isn't the song "Closer" by NIN.
It's by Gwar. About beastiality.
I couldn't stop laughing at the situation, and he kept thrusting and joking "what? you don't find Gwar sexy?"
So now, everytime that song has come up, we just start laughing or cracking jokes. We still put it on Random because it's more fun that way, unless we are just really into it and making love.
But otherwise, a couple of really good songs:
I would do anything for love - Meat Loaf
- The original song is 12 minutes long so it has a nice building tension.
We looked like Giants - Postal Service
- for some reason, this song exudes passion to me
Anything from Enya. Weird, I know. But it works
- The song is about 20 minutes long and it starts out slow and methodic. It is very repetitve and as it goes on, it gets louder and faster and the cymbals crash louder and progressively louder as the song goes on. So, this song makes sense, since it follows the pattern of love making