Think I've told this story before, but oh well.
Ktspktsp brought me back a beautiful abaya (a really nice, embroidered houserobe--NOT the abayas that women in Saudi Arabia wear from head to toe) from Lebanon, the first year that we were together... also the first of 2 years of our long-distance relationship. I lived in a basement apartment at the time and froze my ass off in the winter, so I wore the abaya almost all the time when I was at home, to keep warm and to feel a little bit closer to ktspktsp. I joined TFP during that winter, and was wearing it most of the time while posting.
Sometimes I wonder if people ever think that I'm a Muslim woman or something when they see my handle... to be honest, the thought never occurred to me at the time. I just loved my cozy abaya from my boyfriend. Anyway, it stuck.