Originally Posted by pig
I'm just glad we're fighting them over there - God knows I don't want to fight 'em over here. If Iraq hadn't attacked us on 911, we wouldn't have had to drive Al Queda out from under Saddam Hussein's quid-pro-quo protection in Iraq. The thing that really pisses me off is when the press reports on all the deaths of solidiers and the small handful of thankful Iraqi citizen-patriots who die as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but leave out all the great things happening over there. All the success stories. All the lollipops and laurels and rosebuds thrown upon the freshly razed ground where cherubic children come to play and laugh at our Divinely victorious feet.
pig...you can read about the lollipops and laurels and rosebuds...where cherubic children come to laugh and play.....on the DoD arabic news website in Iraq:
The news sites are part of a Pentagon initiative to expand "Information Operations" on the Internet. Neither the initiative nor the Iraqi site, www.Mawtani.com, has been disclosed publicly.
At first glance, Mawtani.com looks like a conventional news website. Only the "about" link at the bottom of the site takes readers to a page that discloses the Pentagon sponsorship. The site, which has operated since October, is modeled on two long-established Pentagon-sponsored sites that offer native-language news for people in the Balkans and North Africa.
Journalism groups say the sites are deceptive and easily could be mistaken for independent news.
"This is about trying to control the message, either by bypassing the media or putting your version of the message out before others (and) … there's a heavy responsibility to let people know where you're coming from," says Amy Mitchell, deputy director at the Project for Excellence in Journalism. A disclosure on a separate page "isn't something most people coming to the site are likely to see."
Arabic original >>>>>>>>
English (google translator)
I dont see anythring wrong with the DoD offering a news site in Iraq.....
if it were more upfront about the sponsorship of the site. In the current format, I think its a bit deceptive.