Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace....I am sorry you dont like my approach...but it has served me well and I try to support it with facts.
It not a question of what I like, I specifically stated that I wondered "why" you do it. I think you have a clear pattern of attacking the Bush administration on a false basis of outrage. Imagine people with Oil industry ties and experience as a CEO dealing with government regulations using that experience or talking with others to develop regulations. That is so, so, so, so, so outrageous. Do you think it is impeachable?
I could say something about the pot calling the kettle black....with some of your strange analogies and stranger anecdotes that dont transfer to the more general.....or your incessant raising of new extraneous questions that often divert the discussion.
If the point of an analogy or anecdote is lost, just ask and I will try to clarify.