Originally Posted by loquitur
so guys, start a new network. It's not even that costly now with web and all.
I see the issue here is that people have an "ideal" in mind for what news is supposed to be, and they are measuring the real flesh and blood institutions against the ideal and finding it wanting. Well, yeah. Of course. Most institutions are like that, mainly because they are made up of people and people are flawed.
That's why I don't get excited about most of this stuff the way host does or roachboy does. I don't expect any better. People tend to do what's good for themselves and their "in-group," however defined - and that goes for politicians, journalists, network execs, retired military, etc etc etc. It's also why I generally don't like any concentration of power that isn't subject to checks and balances.
How could you end with that sentence? Don't you have a strong, or any sense at all....that YOU are the "checks and balances", that all of the balance of power is hanging in the balance.....a "bluff", that the other guy becomes emboldened to "call". The networks are gambling that their bluff won't be called, just as Bush and Cheney have....
You're laying the duty of bluffing on me....or not...you don't seem to care. Where on earth do you think the "checks" that provide the balance will come from? Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and Washington knew where the checks came from and how to use them. Franklin said that we must hang together or we will hang separately, It takes so little to check the bluff at every turn and so much more effort, if they call the bluff and take the fucking pot !
<h3>Already, the networks think they can keep their broadcast licenses while they pull this shit, a blackout on coverage of their misleading their viewers. We have to bluff them into feeling less certain of that.....</h3>
THE REASON we even have any of this material to comment on is because of two reporting sources... a team at the NY Times in 2008, and one at The Nation magazine, in 2003, and FOIA requests of the pentagon.
If your POV becomes anymore widespread, why would the owners of either media outlet even pay their staff to come up with these reports or file the FOIA requests with the pentagon? Why would the pentagon even bother to respond.
All of that activity resulted in Glenn Greenwald of Salon, challenging NBC's Brian Williams.
Is it more likely that Williams and other networks are not talking about this controversy "on the air", because of attitudes like yours....or like mine?