The question is why DON'T people cheat on their mate?!
I have cheated on past girlfriends. I was not devoted to them and was too immature to be able to resist the temptations of everyday encounters with the opposite sex.
With that said, I do not cheat on my wife. It is something you have to try not to do because really, cheating comes naturally.
I don't put myself in a situation that I may do something I will regret. When I am mad at her I don't go to a bar and get loaded. Why? Because I know I will mess with some bar fly if I do and ruin what I have at home. When some good-looking woman flirts with me I smile and remove myself from the situation. Yes, it feels nice to see someone interested in me but I have a wife that I love and completes me as a person. Why risk that for a hot blond that probably isn't half of what my wife is?
I know this does not answer your question on why people cheat but if you look at it from the other side you can see how it is hard not too. It is a choice you must make daily to devote yourself to your mate in every way. It seems that this girl could not do that for you. Maybe she isn't ready for that kind of relationship yet and doesn't have the will power to resist temptation. Maybe someday she will be ready and wish she had not treated you so badly.
Either way it is not your fault. You can only make the best out of what life gives you. Treat them the way you want to be treated and when they cannot offer you that respect, find someone who can.