Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I didn't identify your position as being Dobson's, I noted a significant similarity. And it's still there.
Yep, the whole "people using government to enforce their personal preferences on privately-owned areas that need not ever effect them personally" thing. You know you have a certain similarity there, too.
With a permission slip? Presuming that the parents aren't glaringly callous to the well-being of the child, this could be okay. Is there a 'gotcha' situation you'd like to hit me with?
No gotcha situation. Do you propose some sort of "callousness test" for parents before they are allowed to give their child permission to work?
As the smoking bans have shown, it actually can be very effective to do just that.
And yeah, it does mean that. Taking a gift and insisting that it be modified to your liking is unreasonable.
Okay, how about this, private businesses take the "gift" of having their business subsidized through the various protections and infrastructure provided by the government. It is unreasonable for them to insist that the the terms of their relationship to the government should be modified to their liking. In other words, no one forces them to do business in areas where smoking bans exist. Right? I mean, let's be reasonable here.
I'm starting to wonder exactly what your point here is. Is it that I'm fallible, that I can have mistaken ideas? I'm well aware. But it doesn't - and nor should it - prevent me from taking stances that appeal to my reason and empathy.
If you're only saying that I could be wrong, well, duh.
I don't decree it unreasonable, I recognize it as unreasonable.
I'm just saying that "you're being unreasonable." is a poor argument.
No, I didn't, and no, I didn't. Read the posts again, more carefully this time.
Yeah, I can. Go back. More carefully this time.
That wasn't a definition of authoritarianism. More carefully this time.
Here's what you said with respect to Dobson and I:
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I see plenty of differences, none of which defeat my point on their similarity: people using government to enforce their personal preferences on privately-owned areas that need not ever effect them personally.
And then I was all like:
Originally Posted by filtherton
Okay, so I'm like James Dobson in some relatively insignificant way. That's fine.
And then you were all like:
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Pretty much the opposite of insignificant. Different issues, same nosy authoritarianism.
So I am similar to James Dobson, in that we are both "people using government to enforce their personal preferences on privately-owned areas that need not ever effect them personally" which is just another way of saying that we share the same affinity for "nosy authoritarianism."
I don't get it, how am I mistaken? If you are against "nosy authoritarianism" and "nosy authoritarianism" is the same thing as "people using government to enforce their personal preferences on privately-owned areas that need not ever effect them personally" how are you also not a nosy authoritarian?
And I explained in the very next post that child labor does, y'know, actually effect people personally. People who might not have the power and/or authority to escape from such a situation, should it turn harmful. Unlike with adults and restaurant smoking.
You know kids are allowed in smoke filled restaurants, right? And these kids might not have the power and/or authority to escape from such a situation, should it turn harmful?
But it's so much easier to pretend this nuance doesn't exist, that I must hate ALL authoritarianism or NONE of it! Or, when you tire of that pretension, to pretend that I didn't define the supposedly arbitrary line. The strawman or the deafman.
No, I know that the nuance exists, I just don't think your position is entirely consistent, and I know you disagree.
Right after you stop beating your wife.
She chose to marry me, live in my house and can leave at any time. Any attempts by her to stop me from beating her are unreasonable.