Originally Posted by la petite moi
Alicat, what kind of "charity" did they get? According to what I've heard and watched, they have no debt, work hard, and pinch pennies. If they get charity, I doubt it's because they ask for it- at least that's the impression I've been given by everything I've seen. And yes, the kids helped build their house.
started building the house on their own, but they couldn't afford to finish it. So TLC paid to finish the house, as well as for a month long vacation. And, yes the kids swung a hammer for 10 minutes for the camera, but how much
productive work do you think they actually did in dress slacks and floor length skirts?
JimBob has also had his house declared a "church" so he has tax exempt status, which means he doesn't pay property tax on their 20 acre compound, as well as not paying sales tax for anything purchased for the "church"/house/family. I sure consider that "government assistance" since they are getting a free ride on thousands and thousands of dollars in taxes that every other "regular" family has to pay.