I weigh, in the eyes of society, a metric fuckton.
at my "peak" I was 345-350 lbs.
I'm the opposite of many cases in the facet that, depression makes me lose weight.
I lose my appetite when I'm upset.
You guys know all about the trials and tribulations I suffered through mentally over my ex leaving me for some guy on the internet 10 years younger than me, it resulted in me losing 30 lbs in a matter of 2 months without even trying. The completely off comment someone made about "oh hey you're looking pretty good" because they noticed I lost weight was the motivation to lose the other part.
I'm currently down to 265 or so, however, I've lost all desire to watch my intake, but on the flipside, i'm more active than I used to be in a way, and, I just recently picked up a gym membership (today will be my 1st "real" workout) and I walk 2 miles a day minimum, 4-5 miles a day on any day that I'm DJ'ing or whatever cuz I pack all my gear around in a bag or 2.
"what's your point Shauk?"
well, basically I agree 100% with your assessment of the mentality here.
Blame shifting is bullllllllcrap. People shouldn't do it, McDonald's didn't make you fat, giving them money for their shitty fatty food and stuffing your face with it while you were also doubly lazy for not getting out of your car, or going to the grocery store, or making your own food, made you fat.
There are lots of bridges in the city for people to jump off of and hurt/kill yourself, shall we sue bridge makers for not making anti-suicide bungie cords shoot out and rescue you shortly before you hit the ground? (that'd be some straight up sci-fi stuff right there, but I digress)
Now, again, i'm in the camp with Martian here that for the most part, I don't care if you're fat or not.
I don't have "hatred" for those who cannot control the food intake. I have no pity for them either though, at the end of the day, it's a choice you make. People CAN just flip a switch. You have to commit to it instead of coming across like a weak willed sack of worthless meat.
Comparing indulgences in food and fatness next to sex/drugs/coffee? No one thinks highly of people who indulge in those things for the most part either, so it gets the same amount of "whatever" from me either way.
I can tell you right now, it's mental conditioning. A strong mind leads to a strong body. I was mentally conditioned to think that because I was bigger than all the other guys, all the time while growing up, in any school I went to, i was the biggest, therefore I required more "energy" and that required more food, more desert, more soda, more utter B.S. that bit me in the ass with bad eating habits. Both my parents are overweight and were not heath conscious at all, so it was just a compounded clusterfuck of bad mental conditioning.
It's hard to re-train yourself but it's doable, you have to want it though.