well, comrade, you could say by crunching cause/consequence in that way that the protest is more general than the secession and so brought about the war--or you could say that the secession went beyond protest into something else and that prompted the war--or you could say that the conflict between modes of production for overall dominance caused the conflict that caused the protest that prompted protest to move into secession to trip a war...but unless you are going to implicitly also argue that, say, black block actions in seattle a decade ago or the actions of the sds in chicago are tantamount to the secession of the southern states and formation of the confederacy, this seems like a problematic analogy to me.
just saying.
but thanks for the caps.
i like hats.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite