1. well, the civil war is a pretty big sorta unless you are thinking that the secession meant nothing--but if it meant nothing, then there wasn't a whole lot of point to the war, really--the question of which production regime would in the end be dominant could have been sorted out by other means and the question of slavery was ancillary, if you think about it.
even the endless war against the native americans was more ambiguously of the set that includes the elements "state force used against its own citizens."
2. this:
Well, I'm not a hippie, I cheer for the police.
at the point where
tips over into trolling.
and done without style, i might add.
if you're going to troll, ustwo, have some style. jesus.
i mean, who still tries to get mileage from being bent about "hippies" in 2008?
3. on the wto: i assume that you're dancing around the notion of the black block, frosstbyte.
personally, i don't care if a political action shuts down a city--a political action **should** be able to shut down a city since the city belongs, ultimately, to the people.
my problem is that i don't agree with the version of direct action behind the black block: i am not of the school that understands the amount and violence of contact with the police as an indicator of the correctness of your politics.
so while i'd defend the right of the black block to act, i wouldn't participate in it.
that said, in other contexts, i would have *no* problem with shutting down a city on the part of a political action and i see *nothing*about private property rights that should in any way limit political action. period. i would prefer that such action be coherently directed, as i think anyone would. i think it is entirely possible that a political action can direct its actions coherently, because there is no relation between a political action and a riot--except as you see the two collapsed into each other on television--but who owns the networks, and where do their interests lie?
btw: what are you so bent about seattle for? did you own a starbucks?